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20. April 2013 6 20 /04 /April /2013 02:45

http://www.cleanclothes.org/images/stories/img/giveadidas%20the%20boot_small.jpgOn 22nd April, join anti-sweatshop activists from around the world at Footlocker stores across Europe and the US to call on them to drop adidas from their stores until they pay ex-PT Kizone workers the $1.8million they are owed in unpaid severance. This will mark the beginning of a week of action in the UK that will ramp up the pressure on the UK’s biggest retailer of adidas footwear.

Footlocker represents a key source of profit for adidas internationally and, as one of adidas’ biggest retailers, they could play a huge role in getting them to pay up, so we’re demanding they stand up and call on adidas to ensure these workers are paid what they are owed.

Join the Footlocker International Day of Action on 22nd April, take action another day that week in the UK, or if you really love workers, every day that week in the UK. To find out where the action is and how you can join, look here. There's also some great action at the Kalverstraat in Amsterdam.

And if you can't come along at all (or even if you can) then join us virtually by taking part in our Thunderclap action. This will help us get the message out by highlighting the campaign on hundreds of facebook and twitter pages, coinciding with the  shop actions taking place on the 22nd April.

Quelle: http://www.cleanclothes.org/news/footlocker-give-adidas-the-boot

- http://www.labourbehindthelabel.org/urgent-actions/item/1125-give-adidas-the-boot-join-the-footlocker-day-of-action-this-april

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