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4. Mai 2018 5 04 /05 /Mai /2018 18:55
World leaders need to know it’s the will of the people to reach Nuclear Zero.
Be a hero for Nuclear Zero and add your voice to the movement.
On April 24, 2014 , the Republic of the Marshall Islands filed landmark lawsuits against the nine nuclear-armed nations for failing to comply with their obligations under international law to pursue negotiations for the worldwide elimination of nuclear weapons. 
The Republic of the Marshall Islands acts for the seven billion of us who live on this planet
to end the nuclear weapons threat hanging over all humanity.

Everyone has a stake in this.
Nuclear weapons threaten everything we love and treasure in this world.
To protect humanity’s future, we support the Marshall Islands, a small island nation that is courageously seeking to enforce the Nuclear Zero promise - a world free of nuclear weapons. 

That is why we call upon the nuclear weapon nations to urgently fulfill their moral duty  and legal obligation to begin negotiations for complete nuclear disarmament.
Zero is the only safe number of nuclear weapons on the planet.
Quelle: http://nuclearzero.org/
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