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26. März 2013 2 26 /03 /März /2013 20:35

This March 26, 2013 United for Peace and Justice is hosting a phone briefing with Antonia Juhasz and Ali Issa to look at these questions.

March 19th marks the 10 year anniversary of the most recent U.S. invasion. What is the state of Iraq today? What is the condition of Iraqi society, infrastructure and economy? What is the United States doing in Iraq today and what role does the peace movement have in helping the people of Iraq heal their nation?

Antonia Juhasz wrote in "Why the War in Iraq was Fought for Big Oil," which ran on CNN.com on March 19, "Yes, the Iraq War was a war for oil, and it was a war with winners: Big Oil. Here's how they did it." Juhasz is the author of three books including The Tyranny of Oil and The Bush Agenda. She has spent ten years articulating through analysis and action the links between the war in Iraq and Big Oil. She is an Investigative Journalism Fellow at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism and on the National Advisory Committee of Iraq Veterans Against the War. Her writing has appeared in numerous outlets, including The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, The Nation, and Harper's Magazine (forthcoming). She spent three weeks in November traveling across Afghanistan investigating "The New War for Afghanistan's Untapped Oil," which she wrote about in The Atlantic.

Ali Isa is based in New York City and is the national field organizer for War Resisters League. He earned a Master’s Degree in Arabic studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008. He is a contributor to the e-zine Jadaliyya on Iraqi social movements and his translations have appeared in Banipal and the PEN World Atlas Blog. His father is from Baghdad, Iraq.

United for Peace & Justice 

  more info: http://www.black-tide.org/article.php?id=858

- http://edition.cnn.com/2013/03/19/opinion/iraq-war-oil-juhasz/index.html

or - http://edition.cnn.com/2013/03/19/opinion/iraq-war-oil-juhasz/index.html?hpt=hp_c2

- http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2013/01/the-new-war-for-afghanistans-untapped-oil/267010/

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